Photometers & Accessories
2i iProbe Plus Scanning Probe
The iProbe Plus provides secure data storage, reporting, and traceability in the palm of your hand. The iProbe Plus is the most advanced, innovative and user-friendly scanning probe available.
2i, 2i-N Aerosol Photometer
The 2i, 2i-N Aerosol Photometer is the ideal portable, yet rugged instrument for in-situ filtration system testing. Applications include pharmaceutical manufacturing, medical facilities and cleanrooms, biosafety cabinets, and nuclear facilities.
Heavy Duty Photometer Cases
The 2i family of cases offers the ultimate in protection for your 2i Photometer, iProbe and Thermal Printer. Each case comes with custom foam cut-outs to keep your equipment and accessories from moving around during transport.

Aerosol Generators & Accessories
Heavy Duty Generator Cases
The ATI family of generator cases offers the ultimate in protection for your thermal or Laskin generator. Each case comes with custom foam cut-outs to keep your equipment and accessories from moving around during transport. Each case is...
4B Laskin-Nozzle Aerosol Generator
The 4B Laskin-Nozzle aerosol generator is durable, portable, and reliable. Designed for testing filter systems ranging from small glove boxes to large cleanroom plenums, ATI Laskin-Nozzle generators provide the ideal solution for creating a polydispersed, submicron aerosol to...
6D Laskin-Nozzle Aerosol Generator
The 6D Laskin-Nozzle aerosol generator is a small, light yet rugged portable, self-contained generator. It is ideal for testing a wide variety of filter systems with airflows up to 2,000 cfm by generating a polydispersed, submicron aerosol. Applications...
5D Thermal Aerosol Generator
The 5D Thermal Aerosol Generator is designed for operators who require a wide range of aerosol output concentrations to perform leak tests on smaller clean air cabinets through cleanroom air handling systems. It is the high-capacity solution used...

Aerosol Injection & Conditioning
Positive Injection Pump
The Positive Injection Pump (PIP) provides the user with a safe and reliable system for directing aerosol from a Thermal or Laskin Nozzle Generator through a tube into the injection point. Speed control allows for regulation of the...
Sparge Pipes (Kit)
Improves the testing of clean air cabinets, Safety Cabinets, Isolators, and any installed HEPA filter where the distance between the point of aerosol injection and the filter is short, and upstream challenge measurement shows poor mixing.
Aerosol Diluter
Dilutes aerosol to measurable levels for particle counters. Installed between the aerosol source and a particle counter, diluters minimize pressure drop and aerosol loss while preventing saturation of the particle counter.

Fixed Installation Ports & Specialty Probes

Oil Aerosol Reagents

Automated Filter Tester